the audio post i don't like

yeah. so there's that.

i don't wanna listen to it again. this is why i've been silent. it hurts.



  1. I'm not certain what to make of this. Have you broken anything out of rage while in that house?

    1. Nothing breaks in the house. At least, if mirrors and windows don't break, and food is replaced, it's fair to assume nothing breaks.
      At least, you said "that house" so I assume you mean The House.

    2. Hey Mary, what's up. so... I just watching some youtube terror videos, and I saw your channel so... Since you said in one of your videos, you have an infinite food supply. so why don't you try to make a bag (with the food packing our try to find one in the house) and take as much food that you can, and bring the notebook, our laptop, to try call someone, and try to walk through the garden until you find something, like an end? or something... I'm really curious about the situation that you are in.

    3. I feel like the Garden is like The Village. Surrounded by the real world but hidden.


    4. Am jeremiah from Dallas TEXAS, I am testifying about a great hebal man that cured my wife of hepatitis B and liver cirhosis. his name is Dr oniha. My wife was diagnose of hepatities two years ago, i almost spent all i had then, until i saw dr osaze recommendation online, and i call him, then he told me how to get the herb. You can call him on +2347089275769 or email him at

  2. Oh Mary... I'm really sorry. That's a super sad conversation to find.

    Sometimes you just want to push people away, because you don't want to get hurt. You know that they're just gonna' leave anyway, that you'll be betrayed and abandoned, so you want to head it off at the pass before you get too emotionally involved. It's all at once a test to see if they actually will be there for you, and a way of keeping yourself safe. You want them to respond by ignoring it, because that would be proof they really cared, but you know they won't and when your suspicions are confirmed, you get the grim satisfaction of being right.

    It makes loneliness so much more comfortable. You want everyone to leave, because you know they don't really want to stay. If they wanted to be there, they'd be there. Pushing people away, blocking them out, seems right and good. And whenever anyone slips up, it's confirmation that you never should have risked it, never should have let them in. That none of it was worth it.

    I struggled with that for a long time myself, and I still find myself on occasion not forming bonds with people I genuinely find interesting, because it feels like too much of a hassle. Like I bond to deep too quick if I let myself, and like no one else in the world will never return it, and I'll spend my whole life killing myself over it, so I might as well not even attempt to make any friends. Because it's all just such a HASSLE, you know?

    Not that that's true or a healthy way to look at things, haha, and I'm getting a lot better about it recently with help and medication. But it's. Ya'know. A thing.

    You may or may not empathize with that sort of logic, now that everything's changed so much for you... now that YOU'VE changed so much. But. Like. I understand where you were at when this was recorded, to some extent.

    IDK. I guess I just... wanted you to know that you aren't alone? At least some version of you. Maybe not the current you, but a past version of you is understood?

    I hope you have a much nicer night than the night where this was recorded, Mary. Thank you for sharing something so personal with us.

  3. I can't help but think that you are unconscious, like perhaps in a coma, and your thought processes are making their way into the data streams of social media either by some strange unknown phenomena or by people who have discovered this to be a workable technology. If people are responsible, they appear to be trying to help you. I hope someone can figure out how to help you regardless of who they may be..........

  4. So, it seems like we now know why Mary woke up the next day in the house (as indicated on Twitter: First post from June 28th, 2016). Mary probably felt, deep down, that Liz was actually her only person that she could trust. But Mary, as Liz indicates, walled herself up one last time against Liz's attempts to help Mary and as a result, when the friendship broke off, Mary completed her movement into solitude from the world and woke up in the "house" the next day.

    I can only imagine that the phrase the person in white wants us to tell Mary is something that would help Mary snap out of her situation or realize something Liz might want her to know as well. Something self-affirming about Mary as an individual (self-worth, etc.).

    We will see though, it's only going to get a little worse before it gets better.

  5. I'm going through and transcribing all the hidden messages found in the source code for each post, for viewing ease and mobile readers. This one says:
    This is a good thing, even if she doesn't know it. I never said this would be easy. Going to try again with the pictures soon.

    1. Thanks for these, I've been checking the codes, but can't find anything. Listening to the audio file, sounds like the 2nd voice (pretty sure it's Liz) said "James likes (cant hear this next part), and Mary responds with "He hates me". If James is the guy Mary "didn't want to talk about" in the earlier audio file, something bad clearly happened with him and Mary.

  6. And so the audio clip trilogy concludes…. The somewhat depressing audio clip trilogy.

    As Justin Fleming pointed out, this seems to have been at least some form of inciting incident towards your current circumstance. As our mutual friend seems to be indicating, it also gives us a lead in ensuring your freedom.

    Back to the subject of freedom, I’m not sure if there’s a correlation, but the fact that the outside seems to represent some form of relief could be an indicator of what’s about to happen. I stated in my previous comment my concern that these entities do not follow you from the house. Now that I have had more time to think about it, I wonder if maybe that’s part of their plans. What if they had the ability to leave the entire time?
    As has been made abundantly clear, this set-up is designed as a psychological battleground. Your ability to leave has created a new routine and, more importantly, lowered your defences for when they forcibly take it away…
    But, again, that is still just a guess...

    With that said, there are numerous unanswered questions. Building upon that, these recent discoveries have drawn us a step closer towards uncovering the answers. For example: Where is Liz, and who is the mysterious entity that’s trying to make contact?
    I’m probably overthinking with this one, but could it be we’ve found the answer to both questions?

    Take care and remember we are always here for you.

    Keep fighting, Mary.

  7. Mary, how do you get this audio quality only with the camera microphone?

  8. I have a theory ... It may sound stupid, but what if we have to think in a different way to solve this situation?

    Perhaps, if we take into consideration, that the memories of "Mary" are confused, and from there we assume that "Mary" is actually Liz. From that moment on, there may be room for other answers and theories.
    And that might answer some unanswered questions, like the fact that "Mary" or Liz did not remember the photos.

    It may seem a bit crazy or meaningless, but the answer to her not recognizing the photos is that Liz is trapped in Mary's house ...

    1. What about the photos there may be photos where Mary is in and Liz isnt and main character says she is in so we caneed find if she is Liz or Mary depending on the photos (sorry for bad spelling I couldn't be bothered to fix it)

    2. That would be an interesting possibility. However, it still leaves a question open in regards to who the messenger is. I say this as they currently seem to be under the impression that our ‘Mary’ is a Mary they are familiar with.
      Following along with the prospect you’ve raised, the messenger could be an element of Liz’s subconscious trying to get through to Mary, who could well be the house itself (and thus the one generating the entities). It would explain the anger directed at her by those same entities. Maybe part of her blamed Liz for their division?

      Personally, however, I think it makes more sense that our ‘Mary’ is still Mary and Liz is the entity trying to make contact – Leaves fewer open-ended questions.
      I do like the direction you’re going in although, considering as how our Mary doesn’t have any memories besides a few names, I’m not sure if the alternative focal point theory would really provide a significant explanation. Using absent memories as evidence only proves it ‘could’ be the case.

      Still, I hope this reply has covered both sides sufficiently for you to come to your own conclusions.

    3. Yes, I have to agree with you ...
      But I still think something is missing ...
      Something that is in our face ...
      Maybe the garden?


  9. What is going on with you, is it real?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Find what happened between this date (June 27th 2016) and the first video on Youtube (July 6th, 2016), like dates or something.

    Plus in the source code, something is going with the pictures. It, is going to 'try again' with them.

  12. Has anyone seen Mullholland Dr by David Lynch? This is very reminiscent, just with more demons invading the psyche of Mary. My opinion? Something happened... it "blew up" finally as Liz said it would if Mary kept taking "it" on by herself. She's either done something and has escaped the reality of it inside of her mind, or she's done something awful and is paying for it now. Or both. Watch Mullholland Dr. or don't, read an "explained" on it. There are too many parallels. We are looking into an illusion. Looking into Mary's brain, or her struggle, her mental hell. Or literal hell but that wouldn't explain it all. Mary is only party of Mary. The entities... ALL of them we've seen are also Mary. Parts of her psyche. The garden is her not facing her demons. The shadow is her shy side. The "pretty" one is the malevolent side, she's pretty to Mary, but not to anyone else (we don't know how she looks, why is she pretty again?) and the "hooded" one is her anger. Mary is lost in herself, and battling something she's done in reality. That's my theory.

    1. Yep, that’s a good film. However, I am hesitant to draw parallels between it and the events we are seeing here. If anything, the closest comparison would be the Silent Hill franchise. With all that said, you’ve pretty much nailed what seems to be the crux of this situation.
      The trouble is, we are not in Mary’s head right now. Granted they currently seem incapable of causing physical harm, but its clear these things aren’t hallucinations if evidence of their presence can be recorded.
      In general, however, I agree with the main consensus. These entities are manifestations of fears, insecurities and self-loathing, evidence for which has occurred on and off throughout the uploads.

      As for the retribution theory, I have to admit it’s one that is worth having around. Especially if that ‘awful’ action led to the demise of Liz. That might even explain the mysterious being in the source code. I’ve been working on the assumption that it was Liz, but that left the question open about how she could be here as a supernatural presence if she was technically real. That might answer the question.
      Then again, that would also be incredibly sad. Thus, I kind of prefer to think she’s still alive and Mary is currently trapped in a pocket dimension of her own psychological manifestations, with Liz trying to get through.
      What do you think?

    2. I agree with the parallel of silent hill. There is an image of her in one of the youtube posts where she is laying on the ground, looking at herself in a mirror while she plays with a knife. This is -very- similar to scene in SH2, where Angela is laying on the ground in a room with a huge wall mirror. She is laying really close to the mirror and holding a knife up in her hand, playing with it. This whole series has given me a -very- Silent Hill 2 vibe. Like she is locked inside a space that is her own personal torment due to trauma and guilt in her life.

      Sorry, I know this is coming -really- late, but I thought it worth mentioning.

    3. It may also be note worthy that a main character in Silent Hill 2 is Jame's wife, Mary. (Prolly just coincidence, but interesting none the less.)

  13. Mary,eu sinto muito por isso tudo estar acontecendo com você,se existice um jeito ao menos um de eu trocar de lugar com você eu faria,acho que você não merece nada disso que esta acontecendo com você.

    1. You are happy this is happening? Sorry my espanol is rusty

    2. For those who need it:
      Mary, I'm sorry that t here's a translation, I'm sorry m8, hope this helps everyone courtesy of Google Translate:
      Mary I'm sorry all happening to you, if there is a way at least one for me to change places with you I would do, I think you don't deserve any of this that is happening to you

  14. I know I’m ridiculously late, but I just found this all yesterday and wanna say my idea (not really a theory about the whole thing, just about what Mary may have been struggling with beforehand) before I move on. I suspected this from the beginning, and I think this just confirmed it? Liz says “I saw your knuckles. I know you can be __-destructive (didn’t sound like she said “self” but idk what other word would go there)” and then later “I saw you eat it in the parking lot” (if I heard that correctly). Now, about the knuckles: Russel’s sign is where people who purge through self induced vomiting develop scratches and calluses on their knuckles from their teeth scratching them and from stomach acid burning them. On top of that, it sounds like Mary was eating in secret. I think Mary had an eating disorder before this and Liz was trying to help her with it, or at least get her to talk about it, here. And now the garden has kind of become Mary’s new version of that: eating disorders are addictions that let you escape all the other shit going on in your life, and the garden (as noted plenty by others) is now Mary's escape from what’s going on in the house. She’s still stuck in the self-destructive, avoidance of problems cycle now, just through different means.

  15. Mary, I have a sister - Mary,MEA. She had a BFF named Liz. They were adorable together and I could always tell Liz knew my sis in a way I couldn't. For years they were inseparable
    My Mary pushed me away and I think Liz too. We haven't talked in years. But I know that I and Liz never stopped caring/loving/hoping for the best for Mary. I don't think you are as evil as you think you are.
    Someone so bad could never create something so beautiful, like you have here. The very thing that pulls you down, can help carry you up.

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one last picture of me

for good measure, i guess mary