so i uploaded this unlisted through youtube because i don't know how to fucking use the internet
so one of those voices is definitely me - i don't recognize the other voice but my best bet is that its a girl named Liz? cuz I say Liz?
idk WHAT the hell we're talking about though
The only thing I got out of that was that you’re a Taurus, so we should celebrate your birthday sometime during that month!
ReplyDeleteMaybe we could celebrate it May 3 because it’s “May-three” for “Mary”.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I don’t know if this is relevant, but I turned on the subtitles for this clip and they came out in Spanish. There were some words that came up but they didn’t seem timed to the words spoken in the actual segment. This was: “Ojo esto ya se vaya”. I typed it into google translate and got this: “Beware this and leave”. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say it probably didn’t come from a friend. Then again, maybe its just an error...
ReplyDeleteI actually missed a letter “Ojo esto ya se vaya bien” – “Be aware that this is going well”
That… changes the message considerably… sorry.
Also, the word “bush” came up at the very end – Maybe it is just an error… again, sorry…
This is why you dont trust google translate
ReplyDeleteThe closest translation would be
"Eye this it is leave good"
Not what I got, but I do see your point. Unfortunately, I don't really have much else to use.
ReplyDeleteAt the moment, I'm working on the assumption that anything can be a clue. Let's just say I'm rather new to the participation side.
Lmao same here
ReplyDeleteAlthough i do think you're on the right path on what the captions could have meant, i just don't think it was meant to sound ominous? Idk
Yeah, I have to admit the phrase “Be aware that this is going well” does tend to have a more positive vibe. At least our Messenger is having a productive time (assuming it was the messenger).
ReplyDeleteAs for the “bush” at the end, the only explanations I can think of are: either it is simply an error with some automated language system (not unlikely, although it might invalidate the ‘message’), or it’s some kind of codeword…
That latter option was conceived as a joke. Trouble is that months of binge watching old NM videos have shown that to be an actual possibility. I guess we’ll see what happens when the next message appears and we have to translate it with the word ‘bush’…
As for the actual contents of the recording, we haven’t really got that much besides what Nathaniel M pointed out. The rest is just contextual material that anyone can guess at.
Maybe some kind of pattern will begin to emerge from this – We’ll see…
Uh, I speak Spanish.
DeleteAs the translation says we use the "Ojo" as a way to say "Look at it" or "Beware ot it"
But the "se vaya bien" has other meanings too, like something finishing good or something/someone leaving safely.
I think the phrase is incomplete too, and it should be something like "Ojo que esto ya se vaya bien"
It can have many meanings and I can suggest :"Beware of it going well" or "Look at it (finally) going well". Any symilar sentence would fit but I don't know the context of it since the phrase isn't related, right?
As I speak Spanish I apologize if something I said isn't understandable.
Good Luck guys
Also, the words of the phrase seems to active(?) with some words of the audio. What I mean is that the subs don't color at the same time, they keep gray until some word turns them white.
DeleteCan someone say which words are, is hard to me to understand regular conversations like this
Yea months of watching Nightmind made me brace myself when watching this video
ReplyDeleteI was half expecting like some based 64 coding or even some distorted sounds at the end which could be thrown through a spectogram or something lol
But you're right just gotta wait and see
I'm going through and transcribing all the hidden messages found in the source code for each post, for viewing ease and mobile readers. This post doesn't have any hidden messages, I'm only commenting this here for completeness' sake.
ReplyDeleteUhh so I turned on the CC on mobile and got something completely different?? The words I got were "bueno, sí, nonono, nonononono, (musica)" (hello, if, nonono, music). Not sure if this is relevant cause this doesn't even really form a coherent sentence but maybe the video generates different ccs for each device it's viewed on?? I know I'm posting on this thread late but maybe it's worth checking if the CC on your device differs from the one in the comments.
ReplyDelete(bueno also means good)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTime for a transcript!
DeleteAs the audio starts, I can't make it out. Then it goes as follows:
Other gal: "Did you just say 'I know'?! I know you..."
Mary: "I know I should, just... sorry, I'm old." (or sounds like old?)
Mary: "If its really all that bad." (may have misheard this?)
Other gal: "Hey! That's what I'm talking about. You can't afford to be stubborn about this."
Mary: "I'm a Taurus, it's what I do."
Other gal: "Do not use the horoscope to justify how bullshit it is."
Mary: "Ok, ok. Sorry. I'm just being stubborn."
Other gal: "Stop doing that. Stop. If you wouldn't say it to me, then don't say it to yourself"
Mary: "You're right. I'm just going through some stuff"
Other gal: "I'll always be here if you want to talk."
Mary: "Thanks. I already talked with Liz."
Other gal: "The worst."
It sounds like the other gal was giving Mary a lift to somewhere, and she was about to get out at the end of the video. What is more interesting is the subtitles / CC the others mentioned. I think not just the time that they pop up, but also when they disappear is relevant. So when 'si' pops up it is during the part when they are saying "Did you just say 'I know'?! I know you..." "I know I should..." I thought 'si' meant yes, not if (in reference to the post above), but anyway. 'Bueno' then pops up during "If you wouldn't say it to me, then don't say it to yourself". The 'no no' pops up as she mentions Liz, then [musica] as the other gal says "The worst".
So what I am taking away from the subtitles is that this other gal is portrayed to be a good person who is trying to help. I don't know what the musica at the end is about though. For the people that watched this back in March, when did those subtitles come on?
Mine said "Bueno. Si. No no. [musica]"
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ReplyDeleteStay out of the garden, you're just getting worse from it.
Try livestreaming on youtube at at night, so you wont be alone, and we can help you with your inner demons, and finally win.
Trust the lady in white. She wont kill you because you are the same person, just different representations. She's your survival instinct. You heavily rely on her.
And DON'T stop communicating with us.
Stay alive and strong girl!
( I will publish this comment on every post so it will be more noticeable.
Im probs going to get flagged or banned for spam but this is important)
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