this source code stuff.

i can't see what everybody is talking about with all this "source code" stuff.

you all say somebody is trying to leave me a message but i don't see it.. i looked through the source code and found.. zip..  are you guys playing a prank on me? that's rude.


  1. 'They' are probably blocking parts of the internet from your view. At first they could stop you from seeing other people, and they're trying to make sure that whoever is trying to help is unable to reach out.

  2. I agree with APOLLO - It would fit with what we've seen transcribed. Whatever 'it' is, it's not unlike the other beings you've encountered, only it seems to be on your side. The crux of it's statement is that the entities tormenting you need you to end up passive to the situation around you - And apparently that'll allow them to do something I can only assume would be against your well-being. You'll probably get more in-depth explanations from others, but hopefully this'll help in some small way towards resolving your current situation.

  3. Just realised I forgot to give my previous statement a point. Basically, don’t get too settled. We still don’t know what all this is building up to. It sounds like we’re going be receiving some explanations soon but there’s no guarantee all the information will get through unedited. All that said, remember you aren’t alone. You have more friends than you realise. Keep fighting, ‘cause those things don’t own you yet.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Are you removing comments because they got the lead?

    2. maybe its not her doing this, rember the sorce code message? the others are a part of this!

  5. Hey Mary,

    The person trying to reach you has made it clear to us that they can't communicate with you directly, even in the source code the direct message this individual wants to send is stopped before it can reach us. This individual is telling us that the things in the house want you to feel comfortable in the garden to get what they want out of you.

    I don't know if you can trust this other individual either, but they're trying to get through to you on the statement that they love and care about you. We'll send whatever messages we can so you can make that decision for yourself. Either way, it seems you won't be able to just sit in the garden all the time without something else coming up eventually. That individual said they'll get to us with the message encoded for you soon.

    Fingers crossed it's something good.

  6. I don't know if anyone saw this but in the collection vid at the end there was a word. < head > idk what that means

  7. I’m on mobile so I can’t check myself, but that’s html coding, so one possibility is that the hidden message in the source code has been updated, and it’s being hinted that we should look in the section of code beneath the header.

  8. I'm going through and transcribing all the hidden messages found in the source code for each post, for viewing ease and mobile readers. This one says:
    I can't tell if she's actively ignoring me or if she legitimately cannot see me. I've got to get to her soon. I'll send you my instructions in a few weeks or so.

  9. There were codes as if a woman of some sort was trying to reach you as if she has been watching you for a wile but you cant see or hear her im gessing the person is liz from the audio files and the girl from the pictures


  10. This is what she sent you.

  11. hello? Hey, am i getting through? Can you all see this? Good, I think this might actually be working. I've been trying to reach out to mary ever since she got here but she hasn't been able to see/hear/register me whatsoever it seems. I'm not even sure I can physically get into the house. They are poisoning her mind, making her think this is normal. Making her comfortable with this...situation. You've seen me before. In the Garden. You all know me. I am... just like the rest of them, but I promise, you can trust me. Really. I care about mary, really. I want to help her. I am fighting for control but I'm just too weak to fight. That bitch and the rest of them are too strong. And they're getting stronger every single day. And she's fucking letting them. That's where you all come in. I can't say for certain that she entirely trusts you all, but theres a chance she might listen to you. She might. I don't know. She's very stubborn, I know. If she thinks she's got this all figured out, it's going to take a lot to convince her otherwise. She may not listen. Knowing her, she'll probably get angry, and I'm sorry in advance for anything she does. It's going to freak her out, but she needs to be uncomfortable in order to make this better. I need you to tell her that ________________________________ Damn, it doesn't want to go through, that's weird. I think they figured out that I'm trying this. They'll do anything to silence me. We're not supposed to work like this. This isn't normal. Okay, I'm going to try again. Tell her that ____________________________________________________ Damn. Hmm. Oh, I have an idea. I am going to encode what I need you all to relay to her. I'm pretty sure they won't be able to censor it that way. I'll send it in little parts. You'll know when it's coming. You're all smart people. It won't take long. If this works, I might be able to try to reach out to her in person soon. Maybe you'll all be able to see me. The more you make her aware of me, the more likely we'll be able to meet. She's not gonna like it, I can tell you this. This is so complicated. I trust you all. Good luck. I beg you to trust me. We want the same thing here. I love you, mary. See you soon, hopefully.

  12. guys i found something
    sorry if it's already known.

    if we combine the words that are condensed, it reads "I need you to tell her that i'm going to try again.
    Tell her that i can tell you this."

    it maybe something that can help mary.

    1. Hi, sorry if this is a stupid question but what do you mean with "the words that are condensed" ?

  13. It's the lady in white, she's trying to tell you something . But in the meantime DONT LOSTEN TO THE OTHERS

  14. I know what the garden represents, it's not healthy

  15. Mary!
    Stay out of the garden, you're just getting worse from it.
    Try livestreaming on youtube at at night, so you wont be alone, and we can help you with your inner demons, and finally win.
    Trust the lady in white. She wont kill you because you are the same person, just different representations. She's your survival instinct. You heavily rely on her.
    And DON'T stop communicating with us.
    Stay alive and strong girl!
    ( I will publish this comment on every post so it will be more noticeable.
    Im probs going to get flagged or banned for spam but this is important)

  16. Mary you are not need help.

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one last picture of me

for good measure, i guess mary